Keep in mind that the computer tracks mileage remaining with how the car was most recently driven. In the summer, we'll see 34km of range after full charge; in the winter it's 28km (and we never get 28km in the winter with heaters, wipers, lights, etc.)
Go 5km up a mountain road and we'll go from 20km to 3km remaining. Turn around and come back down and it usually will stay at 3km for the next 12-15km, or even creep up a km or two.
But to answer @strangeTDI's (fellow TDI lover here
) question: When you arrange to test-drive, ask that they have it fully charged. The indicator light near the charge port will be off when the charger is connected and the battery is fully charged; it slowly pulses with green light (at least in our 2016) when charging.
See what the range estimate is when you get in the car and start driving. As mentioned above, drive conservatively with lights and heat and wipers off (if possible) on flat terrain and see if the miles driven follows along with the estimated remaining. On our car, the first few km of range disappear very quickly, even in the summer time, but when the car says 34km, we can still get close to 30km or so. We've also driven slightly over a km with 0km showing on the range estimate, so.... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If you want to help the car with its mileage a bit, pop the shifter over into the manual mode and you'll get regen braking any time you lift off the accelerator pedal. You can almost one-pedal drive in quiet city traffic with the regen braking (the brake lights actually come on when you're going like 50kph and take your foot fully off the accelerator pedal).
Go 5km up a mountain road and we'll go from 20km to 3km remaining. Turn around and come back down and it usually will stay at 3km for the next 12-15km, or even creep up a km or two.
But to answer @strangeTDI's (fellow TDI lover here
See what the range estimate is when you get in the car and start driving. As mentioned above, drive conservatively with lights and heat and wipers off (if possible) on flat terrain and see if the miles driven follows along with the estimated remaining. On our car, the first few km of range disappear very quickly, even in the summer time, but when the car says 34km, we can still get close to 30km or so. We've also driven slightly over a km with 0km showing on the range estimate, so.... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If you want to help the car with its mileage a bit, pop the shifter over into the manual mode and you'll get regen braking any time you lift off the accelerator pedal. You can almost one-pedal drive in quiet city traffic with the regen braking (the brake lights actually come on when you're going like 50kph and take your foot fully off the accelerator pedal).