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  1. N

    2017 A3 Sportback e-tron : changing front fog light bulbs?

    Bumper covers on these cars might seem intimidating to remove, but it's really not very hard. Screws in the wheel liners, a few underneath, then start pulling from each wheel well as you work a plastic pry tool against the little catch tabs. Watch a couple YT videos and it'll make more sense.
  2. N

    2017 A3 Sportback e-tron : changing front fog light bulbs?

    I only suggested because my Mk7 Golf (pretty much the same car) has access that way; not applicable on our 2016 because the fog lights are integrated into the main headlight assembly.
  3. N

    2017 A3 Sportback e-tron : changing front fog light bulbs?

    Is there a little door on the backside of that? Like, crank the steering wheel so that tire is pointed all the way inward, then look at the fender liner and see if there's a door. With that said, if you have LED fog lights, not sure it's an easily user-replaceable part.
  4. N

    "charge mode"is gone in 2017

    I thought (never having used one) that one of the big upsides of OBDeleven (compared to VCDS, for example) is that you can buy one-click features like "enable fog lights as DRL", instead of having to go through the multiple steps of changing a number of different adaptation channels on multiple...
  5. N

    "charge mode"is gone in 2017

    Yes - I have VCDS which has all of the same functionality (and then some). The difference being there aren't preset "capabilities" which you enable, but rather specific adaptations and coding changes (modifying bits and bytes within the modules) to enable, or disable, or change those...
  6. N

    "charge mode"is gone in 2017

    Oh - please; DO SHARE!!! Given my affinity for manual transmissions, I ALWAYS want to know what gear I'm in (even if I'm not shifting to it).
  7. N

    Sudden and catastrophic transmission failure

    Oh - I thought the issue he described was exactly yours - neither gas nor EV worked. (Been a few months since I watched the video.)
  8. N

    Sudden and catastrophic transmission failure

    How capable are you with a wrench? Could you remove the mechatronic yourself, pack it up, and ship it off to get repaired? It's a self-contained unit (the mechatronic), so if you can live with an unmovable car in your driveway for a few weeks, that seems like the most cost-efficient way to...
  9. N

    Sudden and catastrophic transmission failure

    From the sounds of it (you're right around the 100K km / 62K miles mark where this seems to rear its ugly head), there is a far more affordable solution:
  10. N

    Maintenance costs (US)

    Over in the TDI message boards where timing belts are a frequent topic of discussion (deservedly so), the general rule of thumb is closer to 10yrs if the mileage interval hasn't been achieved. With that said, there are very experienced VW mechanics on tdiclub who have seen hundreds, if not...
  11. N

    Audi A3 e-tron 2017 wont start after accident

    You have 17 (SEVENTEEN!!) faults in your transmission; the transmission is both what drives the car in EV mode, as well as what gets the internal gas engine started. If the goal is to get the car running again, you can forget about all of the other modules for now and just focus on the...
  12. N

    Maintenance costs (US)

    Not "VW shop" as in a VW dealer, but rather, an independent shop that sees a lot of VWs (and probably does other German makes). My little town of 20K people has one shop that I'd trust, and another that I'd consider (if I didn't do my own work) - so I'm sure Tacoma has options.
  13. N

    Hold Mode Acting Like Hybrid Mode

    Ok - so that must be what that sound is (sounds like servos turning and clicking for a few seconds) after parking the car after an all-electric trip: The electric drive motor is "closing" the clutch to turn the engine a few revolutions to circulate the oil a bit. And the "random" turn on on the...