Start/Pre-heating timer

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Aug 21, 2019
Temperature is dropping and a few questions came up. I try to have the car warm each morning when going to work. And trying to charge over night (at lower cost) whether i should drive the day after or not.
-So if I for example put preferred charging between 00.00-08.00 on a Saturday and start time 08.00 (you cannot leave this one out). No pre-heating. Will there still be an energy consuming prep-procedure (e.g. warming batteries or so) made by the car around 07.45? (Asking this since I seldom drive during weekends and could skip setting the charging timer, and instead just charge directly when i get home from work friday afternoon, at a slightly higher kWh cost)
-Can you recommend the app for pre-heating the car Since i bought the car as second owner the dealer says i need to buy the code to get access to it.
For 1) I don't think the departure time does anything except the pre-conditioning if chosen. I could be wrong.
The app to trigger the pre-heating is absolutely amazing. I set it when my train is approaching the station and by the time I get to the car park, it's the only car without iced up windows :D
I am having a few issues with signal on mine that seem to be completely unfixable. With only 2 bars of signal, the app just doesn't talk to the car at all (despite the Audi Connect stuff on the MMI working with this level of signal). But when you have enough signal, it's perfect.
Thanks. The car is soon to be 3 years old and i think the Audi connect expires by then? I'll need to check the cost for both and if it's worth it.