Soon to be Etron owner...maybe...

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That depends. Somewhere between 12 and ∞ mpg. ;-)

~20 mpg when running in charge mode and >300 mpg (the on-board computer maxes out at 300) for the first 15-25 miles in EV mode (starting with a full battery). Roughly 70-80 mpg for the first 75-150 miles in hybrid mode (again with a full battery). Over longer distances, hybrid mode yields 55-65 mpg. The lowest instantaneous mileage I've seen (flooring it with no battery) is 12 mpg.

Over my first 6K miles, my average is around 60 mpg but my day to day driving has been 100% battery since winter ended so that helps.

Those numbers are carrying only the driver for short trips and a driver, passenger, and luggage over longer distances. All in auto mode for the handling and performance setting.

In general, you should expect better mileage in warmer weather (over 45ºF/7ºC). 65-75ºF (18-24ºC) seems to be a sweet spot. Haven't isolated whether that is due to the operating temperature or it is a result of not using seat heaters or AC.
Good info. Thank you. I live in California so weather generally warm.
Long trips should I just keep in hybrid? Or switch back and forth from ev to hybrid? How long does it take to charge up in hybrid mode?
I get similar mpg as estrong.

My daily commute is all electric in warmer weather.

For the longer trips I find it best to run in Hybrid Auto mode unless I know that I need some EV driving at the end of my journey when I will use Hybrid Hold mode. Also I would move to EV if there is a speed restriction i.e. 2 miles of 50mph roadworks. Driving at 70mph in EV mode chews through the battery so I avoid that unless I know that I don't need the ICE for any of the journey.
The trick is to try to reach your end destination (where you charge) with zero in the battery, that way you are maximising your EV miles.

BTW - Hybrid Hold mode does actually put some charge in the battery from the regenerative braking.
BTW2 - Hybrid Charge mode is not efficient and should only be used if you absolutely have to drive EV sometime and you don't have enough in the battery.
good info and thank you. I plan on getting this weekend but have about a 500 mile drive trying to figure out best mode to drive home in