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Jul 19, 2016
Pulled the trigger last weekend
Brilliant Black
Premium Plus
Sport Package

Fun car...Still trying to figure it all out.
Drove it back from Socal to Norcal. got around 41 mpg driving back and this was a lot of traffic too.

Questions tho:
These 18 inch rims...anyone know how much they weigh?
I left it charging overnight, I am assuming when it is fully charged the charger just shuts off, but how do I know I have a full charge? Manual was left at dealership and they are sending to me.
Congrats on getting the e-tron.
I'm sure you'll thoroughly enjoy the car.

Not sure what the wheels/rims weigh, but the charging, well if you leave it overnight on the 120 v (7 1/2 to 8 hrs) the range will show 18 miles (I think that's what it is for US).
I show between 37 and 42 km of AER when I charge, of which my average drive (AER) is 34 km. The range goes down quickly but the ICE doesn't kick in until I'm about 34 km into my commute.
@irishmil - Congrats! Have fun figuring everything out.

As hangtime10 says, a full charge from empty will take 7-8 hours using a 110v outlet. You are correct, the charger just shuts off. If you leave it connected and set up a departure time with the app, the car will use wall power to get the interior temperature up or down to the last setting. That means it will still sound like it is charging, even if the high voltage battery is full.

Once charged, the car will (over)estimate how much mileage you can get based on how you've been driving recently.

I've had readings of up to 31 miles/charge (50 km) but have never gotten that kind of range. (27 miles/43 km is my personal best for EV only). In the summer, I've been seeing 28-29 miles (45-47 km) displayed with 24+ (39 km) miles of real world range. That's with no passenger, auto drive mode, rolling hills, some stop and go traffic, some highway, and no AC, and temps between the mid-60's and low 90's ºF (18-33º C).

Colder weather will reduce both the predicted and actual range.

Of course, YMMV.
Man I'm envious of you estrong! I wish I could get close to 27 miles (43 km) on a charge. Yes, I'm in Toronto but it's not the temperature causing my lack of range. We've had mid 20c (77F) to mid 30c (95F) this summer.
Maybe it's me enjoying the drive too much that I'm a little heavy footed. :)